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Foreign Currency-Gross Provisional Return

In the world of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), compliance with regulatory requirements is paramount. Recently, a client approached Sriya Enterprise with a complex issue. They had received funds under the Introduction

In the world of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), compliance with regulatory requirements is paramount. Recently, a client approached Sriya Enterprise with a complex issue. They had received funds under the FDI mechanism but were unable to file the Foreign Currency-Gross Provisional Return (FCGPR) for over a year. Despite bringing in multiple FDIs during this period, all their FCGPR filings had been rejected by their bankers, and their consultant was unable to resolve the issue.

Understanding the Client’s Situation

The client in question was a company incorporated in India with eight Indian shareholders. The issue arose when the company allotted rights issues to existing shareholders who were Indian residents. However, one of the Indian resident shareholders renounced their rights issues in favor of an overseas entity.

The Core Issue

The main reason for the rejection of the FCGPR filings was the incorrect interpretation of Non-Debt Instrument (NDI) rules in correlation with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Master Direction on FDI. The intricacies of these regulations meant that even minor misinterpretations could lead to significant compliance issues.

Our Approach

Sriya Enterprise took a systematic approach to resolve the client’s problem:

Case Analysis: We conducted a thorough analysis of the client’s case, scrutinizing every detail of the transaction and the associated regulatory requirements.

Identification of the Problem: By carefully examining the NDI rules and the RBI Master Direction on FDI, we identified the specific areas where the client’s filings were non-compliant.

Regulatory Consultation: We connected with both the regulators – the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the concerned banks – to gain a clear understanding of their interpretation and requirements.

Corrective Action: Based on our findings and consultations, we guided the client on the correct interpretation and compliance requirements, ensuring that their FCGPR filings were accurate and complete.

The Outcome

Through our meticulous approach and effective communication with the regulators, we successfully resolved the client’s issue. The FCGPR filings were accepted, allowing the client to continue their FDI activities without further hindrance.


This case highlights the importance of understanding and correctly interpreting regulatory requirements in the FDI landscape. At Sriya Enterprise, our expertise in navigating complex regulatory environments and our commitment to thorough analysis and effective communication with regulatory bodies ensure that our clients can achieve compliance and continue their business operations smoothly. If you are facing similar challenges or need assistance with FDI compliance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Sriya Enterprise. We’re here to help you navigate the complexities and achieve success in your business endeavors. mechanism but were unable to file the Foreign Currency-Gross Provisional Return (FCGPR) for over a year. Despite bringing in multiple FDIs during this period, all their FCGPR filings had been rejected by their bankers, and their consultant was unable to resolve the issue.

This blog outlines how Sriya Enterprise successfully addressed and resolved the client’s FCGPR filing challenges.

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